Sunday, October 11, 2009


This guy is hands-down one of my favorite comedians.

He is brutal, but pretty much spot on with most of his material.
This is one of my favorite sketches.

"So I'm standing in the closet, like an asshole..."

Hahaha. Genius.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Children are artists

I am at the HIL trying to finish this paper that was due on Tuesday... this is typical behaviour considering I am awful at deadlines. What can I say, I'm a pretentious artist; I make my own deadlines. (If only that excuse really worked.)

I've decided to update my blog for once to warm up for the first paper I have written in almost a year. I'm a bit on the rusty side. It's only a 5 pager, so it should be easy-peasy. We'll see. I need to kick this papers ass.

I learned some great tips from this guy:

Went to see Zombieland last night. It was a good movie to see in theaters- lots of action, lots-o-laffs, undead boobies(a classic element included most zombie films), etc. Don't go in expecting Shaun of the Dead, because you will be disappointed. Do however, expect one of the most amazing cameos you will ever witness. Hurrah!

I got dropped off to an empty house after the movie(and after Shaner insisted on going to Gamezilla to pick up some rare Magic cards. Yeah, I know...)
It was pretty brutal. I kept hearing creepy noises in the kitchen, so I pretty much just hid in my bedroom (with weapons of course) in case any undead got the bright idea to chow down on my leg. Gemma came home around 11:30 to save my life (and allow me to escape my room for a tinkle.)

'Tis Thanksgiving weekend, and I am off to my cousins wedding on Saturday after work. I'm excited because my family from Arizona is here, so I get a chance to spend some time (drink) with them. Then it is homework time. I have some severe catching up to do. SEVERE.

Also, I found a beautiful(vintage) sheep's-leather vest for $12 yesterday. I love my life.