Monday, March 30, 2009

Pass This On

I am currently typing my last paper of the semester right now. A standard ten-pager. I am dying of boredom so if anyone is reading this, please come rescue me. I will be the one in the children's section with the bright red hat, wet sneakers, papers spread all over the place and reeking of patchouli. (What can I say, smelling like tree-hugger helps me relax)

I would much rather be peeing on trees than hugging them. With my imaginary wenis.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chasing a Blonde Moon

Because I am a (lovable) nerd, I thought I would share my favorite video game and boss fight with you. I remember the first time I played this game. I was 7 years old and at my bio-dads house for my routine weekend visit. My dad was always a gadget fan and always had the up-and-coming Nintendo systems and games. So I was surprised with this particular game one weekend because he had read an article about it in an issue of Nintendo Power. For those of you who aren't nerds, Nintendo Power is a video game magazine with cheats and reviews. Anyway, this is quite possibly one of the best games of all time. I am not just saying that. It was really way ahead of the curve as far as graphics go, soundtrack and game-play. The boss fights are phenomenal and the maps are challenging, but not impossible. Here is one of my favorite boss fights in the game. It is the final boss and let me tell you, it is an epic battle. Here, see for yourself.

I always loved the music for this fight. And the Rainbow gun, that shit is bananas. (B-A-N-A-N-A-S.) I remember the first time I ever did this fight, I thought the giant Metroid was going to kill me, but it helps you. I always got a little teary-eyed when the bitch kills it. Anyway, there is a save point right before this boss, where I would always save my game so I could forever beat Mother Brain if I was suffering from boredom. I just recently bought another SNES a few years back and my buddy Shane bought Super Metroid for me as a gift. I almost peed myself with excitement. (not unlike this evening when I had to pee so badly, I was actually doing the little kid pee-dance in the bookstore. Working alone on a busy night has it's shortcomings.)

Also my moon maiden and future ex-wife came in to visit me today. She brought me the most romantic gifts, which made me go a little soft around the edges. (Yes, I am cheesy). I am currently trying to piece together my Kinder-Surprise toy, which I have been trying to do for the last hour with no real progress. It's like a monkey doing a math problem. (Or me trying to read a map, which is equally hilarious.) I will definitely be adding this to my list of rapturous moments. I am really sad that she is leaving just as I was beginning to get the courage to talk to her. We are having a coffee date next week and I am rather excited for it.

Also, I kind of hit on my future ex-husband's dad today. Talk about your awkward moments! And Hartland was "too busy" to be at work tonight so he big-time missed out on these particularly astonishing "Trilsh moments." Tough-titty for him I say!

Popcorn time. Mmmmmmm.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My brain is so confused right now.

I just couldn't resist.

Wow...Just wow.

Women, Wednesdays, and Fashion.

I sat across from a blind man on the bus today and was absentmindedly observing him. He was speaking to a man who was seated next to him with his child. As they were conversing, I noticed the blind man roll his eyes about something the other man had said. I began to wonder about this. How did a man who is blind, know to roll his eyes at the appropriate moment? Something like that, I would think, is a learned social behaviour that is observed in the early years. I found this rather interesting...

I am in the Library right now on campus and it is stifling in here. In hindsight, I probably didn't need my huge winter puff jacket with the fur around the hood today. (Hmmm, does "fur around the hood" sound as dirty to you as it does to me?) I should be researching right now, but since I can't move into my apartment this weekend and still have the time off work, I will probably leave everything until the last minute. It is how I roll. I've been researching fashion for the last two hours instead. I wish I could somehow incorporate this into my academics. Here is a particularly inspiring outfit:

Soon I will have the legs to wear dresses like this... once I start running again anyway. Hopefully it will give these little matchsticks some shape.

I got some fantastical news yesterday. I went to the old apartment to pick up some more things and pack up some of my precious belongings (like my nerd action figures)and Andrew mentioned that he would not be able to bring the chat with him to his new place in May. My heart began to pound with excitement and before he could finish "do you think you could..." I yelled a little too enthusiastically, "I would love to!" So I get my little scoundrel back at the end of April. Meow!

And now for a little Jon Dore love. This was the first scene of the first episode. He certainly raised the bar, but I have never been disappointed with an episode yet.
Pay particular attention to the diagram of the penis.

Ahahahaha. Christ apples. That's rich.

*As a side note, It's Gloria Steinem's Birthday today! This wonderful leader for women's rights turns 75! I advise you to Google her if you don't know who she is because she has a huge list of accomplishments.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I almost completely forgot about Pickup Line Tuesdays.

I apologize for this near blunder. I'll tell you what I did manage to fuck up today though. I somehow managed to cause a steady one-hour bleed from my thumbs. I had a run-in with a cuticle-removing tool that did not end well. How do I do these things? Well because I am the clumsiest human alive. I once managed to get a killer bruise on the back of my head from a door knob injury. (I was attacked.) True Story.

Anyway, here is your pickup line for the day:

"Did you clean your pants with Windex? I can practically see myself in them."


Thank goodness Marie treated me to a London Fog today. It warmed my insides.
I also found this in an old sketchbook. It made me smile. Apparently, I was a comedic genius in High School.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sipping Java

Well, here I am. I've decided to reacquaint myself with my good friend, Procrastination. I am currently in my snuggly bathrobe (the one that I tend to get lost in) sitting at my kitchen table with a cup of joe in my hands. My eyes are sweeping the pile of unopened books and scattered mish-mash of articles and blank paper that should have some sort of academic scribble on them. Tomorrow is my seminar presentation for my Violence and Power course. I decided to do it on the dowry murder and honour killings that are taking place in the Middle East. I am applying a feminist perspective on aggression and violence to this topic. It fits quite well considering the violence, in this case, is entirely gender-related. (Basically, these wives, daughters, mothers and sisters are being killed for being women. Yup, awkward.)
On a slightly happier note, one of my favorite bands is playing in Montreal for Jazz Fest in July. I really want to go. I will hitchhike if I have to. Their music puts me into a state. Whenever I am listening to them, I am immersed into my own little fantasy world. I close my eyes an see every hue, touch, taste and smell of my desires. Okay, okay. I'm a little over-dramatic. I can't help it, I have an over-sensitive imagination. It is my nature. I can stare out of a window in silence for hours without actually looking at anything in particular. It is during these moments that I am traipsing through my worlds of french bread, cobble-stoned streets, berets, red lips,moon maidens, shameless sex in alleyways with older men out of my league... and of course peacocks.

One Hour Later.

... Sorry, what was I saying? Oh yes, I am embarrassingly over-imaginative. Which is probably why I don't mind being alone quite often. Imagination doesn't expect anything from you in return.

Really though, listen to this band with your eyes closed and indulge in your own little fantasy world. They are best when listened on an iPod (or some sort of music playing device) when taking a scenic stroll by yourself.

Actually, this video is an excellent example of the kind of things that take place in my head while staring blankly out of a window.

A bientot.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saved by German bakery treats

Busy day today at the bookstore.
A busy day and a tired Trish, who once again proved to be jackassalicious from running on only 4 hours of sleep.

I am the queen of awkward nervous rambling. (Can I get a high five? No?)

Thank fuck Marie, Shawn and Shane came in to rescue me with an offering of my favorite Farmer's market treat: the Delfter stick. (I think that is how you spell it). I almost forgot how amazingly decadent they are. mmmm Apricot drizzle.

I am at the HIL right now, bored out of my skull trying to research honour killings and dowry murder. I have a feeling I won't be seeing the light of day from now until next weekend when I will be A) getting sexified with Miss Marie B)going out to dance my face off C)stumbling into my new apartment and D)passing out on the floor still dressed.(Yes, I am really that classy.)

Oh! I almost forgot that it's Caturday.

Stay gold Ponyboy, stay gold.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Light and Day

Today is the first day of Spring!

It is such a nice day outside. It is supposed to be beautiful all weekend too. It's unfortunate that I have to work all weekend as well as research for my presentation due Monday. This is my last weekend living with my parents. (What a relief.) It's going to suck having to cook again, though. Mostly because I am the worst cook of life. I could live off KD, Tomato and Brie sandwiches and Mr. Noodles for weeks without even noticing. I only have 2 weeks left of school too. Woot!

Have a splendid day, because mine is certainly shaping up to be amazing. It will only get better too. Coffee date with the beautiful Miss Fox at Second Cup before work :D

And now, for the only thing the Polyphonic Spree is good for:
(I thought it would be highly appropriate for a day like today)

EDIT: Today is also my cousin Troy's Birthday. He would have been 21 today. Miss you bud!
Check ya!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Stolen Minks

I finished my Mid-term at 11:45 PM last night. Just in time before the deadline at Midnight. I'm feeling pretty confident about it. Once again I went about 1000 words over the limit, but it was legit so I don't think I will get docked for marks. (Hehe, docked...)
I had a really good St. Patty's day/ evening. I wasn't planning on going out, but my friend Shane convinced me because there was free beer at his place. I brought my own anyway in my purse on the night bus. Yup, I'm sketchy like that. I forgot how much the Northside sucks when you don't own a car. Anyway so I drank the two beer I brought with me to Shane's, got thoroughly tipsy and merved on pretty much everyone in the room. We went out to the Wilser's room and people were buying me drinks all over the place. I accepted a shot of Skittles, which tasted alright I suppose. (Boom makes them best.) We then ventured to the Garrison for some Green beer, which I have never seen before in my life because I have never actually celebrated St. Patty's day. I had another beer which was paid for as well. (Man, I love having a vagina.) By this time, I was dancing my face off and making an ass out of myself. (Surprise, surprise. This happens when I am sober.) We went back to Shane's around 1 AM-ish and I got a cab home to my Mom's place. I ended up having an intense conversation with the cab driver and he only charged me half of what I would have had to pay. He said it was because I had "given him a new perspective." Apparently drinking makes me a superhuman (or at least makes me think I am at the time.)
I was a trooper that night. I think that is the most alcohol I have ever consumed in a single evening. My dad described it as getting "seasoned" when I told him about my adventure at the supper table hier soir. I also heard my Mother say the word "pussy" for the first time in my life. I was complaining about school or something and she said to me, "quit being a pussy." Now, you might not think this is a huge deal, but it is. My mom is a bit of a prude when it comes to "expressive language". I had tears pouring down my face from laughing so hard. I also heard a very rare Mom fart that same evening, which I heard her giggling about in the next room. She was on a roll. I think I bring out the best in her.

This is one of my favorite animations.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I used to climb with the UNB Rock and Ice club. It was fun, I miss it. I should probably start going again. Anyway this is my friend Matt climbing away. I did a series of sports photography just for something different. I really like the lighting here. It was a hard shoot though because I had to take really long exposures since the light wasn't reaching my camera very well. Anyway enjoy! This is on my art site too.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sometimes, I'm crafty.

So this is from a series I am working on. Taking photos of various people with the clown make-up with very static expressions, and then creating a diptych with an image of the same person sans make-up with an exaggerated expression. This is a draft of course. It was taken with a digital SLR. For the final project, I plan on using a Medium format camera (2 1/4 film) to really get the details of the face. I love being able to see pores and wrinkles and stuff. I love character on a person's face. Anyway
enjoy. If you would like to see some more of my art-type stuff (mostly photos and hilarious drawings from long ago) then go here:

(oh, and click on this for a full view, you get a better sense of detail.)

hahaha oh the good old ugly cry.


I love these guys.
French electro + floating dogs + lazers. How could this equation go wrong?

Also I have decided to make Tuesday Pick-up line day.
Today's line:

If you and I were squirrels, I'd store my nuts in your hole.

This would be a great line to use tonight while drinking and wearing green.
Happy St. Patty's day!

Monday, March 16, 2009


This is my baby kitteh. He's kind of an asshole, but I love him. He is currently at my old apartment with the ex-wife. It makes me sad every day that I don't have a kitty curling up on my lap in the evenings. We got him from the SPCA. He is part Bengal (which means he is an excellent hunter, he is fucking quick too.)

So here is the little scoundrel whom I call Eric. (courtesy of Gemma)

(He death rolls a lot when he is happy.)

Mon petit tigre.

Passed the fuck out.

He is all whiskers. He puts them forward like this when he is talking to you.

Kitteh lounging with the ex-wife.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Moon-maidens and Scally-wags

I had a wonderful weekend with some beautiful ladies. It was a wild ride complete with moon-maidens, hungry yet poetic wolves, amazons, lumberjacks, Loverboy's, Egyptian goddesses, and Rick Astley. I could not have asked for a better weekend.

I now ask you to check out this moon-maiden. (I have a thing for unique beauty.)

What Else Is There? from Röyksopp on Vimeo.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Good Morning, Good morning.

I went to the Garrison last night for the poetry face-off with Micah and it turns out we had already missed it. He bought me a beer though, and we hung out with some local poet friends and publishers. Micah is running a local Zine called Nonymous. His intention is to promote local underdog writers and artists as well as established ones. His next issue is being launched at the Wilser's Room on April 3. It's going to be a great issue because all submissions are from the BTMG. (Blacktop Motorcycle Gang, which is a writers group) So this one beer got me thoroughly tipsy. He also convinced me and Sam (beautiful Sam) to take a shot of gin. This was a bad idea because gin is disgusting. I had a great night with M and S. It is exactly what I needed. I came home to (as per usual) my mother waiting up for me asking me where I have been. I responded with some sort of drunken rambling and stumbled slightly to my bedroom. Now in her defense, she would ask me the same thing if I was 30. I ended up watching a few clips of the Jon Dore Television show, and I felt I should share this clip with you on this fine Friday morning. Enjoy!

I think I am going out with the lovely Marie tonight to dance our faces off and act like fools.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Holy Metroid!

Geezuz Christ. I couldn't resist. If I had a penis, it would be hard right now. This is almost too awesome. A Samus cosplay outfit. WTF. Whoever made this, I'm pretty sure you have to marry me.

I am aware of the severe nerdiness of this post, but goddamn Metroid is awesome. Deal with it.

400 babies

Drink PowerThirst.

You'll be uncomfortably energetic.

And now, for a sequel.
(Godberry! King of the Juice.)

Bahaha. I have no life.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How am I not myself?

Man, I am super duper tired. I haven't been myself at all for the past week or so. I'm running on auto, BIG TIME. I don't even remember half of the things I have been saying to people lately. It will be nice to go have a beer tomorrow night, relax and listen to some poetry.

As a side note, I kind of am in love with the Jon Dore Show. I'm pretty sure it's the most terrible show ever made. (or the BEST show ever made. Okay, okay, let's say it's the most TRISH show ever made.)

Here is a clip.


So I woke up to TNT playing on Shane's alarm clock this morning. Quite possibly the best way to start my day full of school work. We went to see Watchmen last night. I have to say, it was quite good. It followed the Graphic Novel fairly well. Clearly, there were some embarrassing cheesy parts, but that is unavoidable when you are creating a film based on a comic. I won't go into details because I think you should see it for yourself, but I will say this: The soundtrack was amazing. Oh and there is also full frontal male nudity throughout the entire film. I had dreams about blue wangs everywhere. Good stuff.

As a side note, falling asleep to Iron and Wine is a good idea.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bring on the Night

Today, I can finally breathe a little bit. I don't work until Thursday (which actually is kind of lame, because I have to wait until then to hear about Hartland's trip)and I don't have any classes today. I still have a bunch of school work to do, but I am just going to sit and relax for a minute and reflect. I'm sitting at Second Cup right now after taking the bus from my parents house. I had to get the heck out of there. I'm starting to go a little crazy-pants. I just paused my music and they are playing the magician theme song from Arrested Development. (Will they ever make a movie?) Today is beautiful. I broke out my favorite leather coat because it is finally warm enough for it. It makes me very excited for summer. I actually despise spring, so hopefully it is short this year. I'm not a fan of melting dog poo and that distinct smell of worms whenever it rains. The only good thing about spring, is that summer is on its way.
So I am enjoying my London Fog at Second Cup and basking in the north light of the windows. I love watching people walk by. By the way, if you ever want to win your way to my heart fast, bring me a London Fog and I am yours forever. (as long as you keep 'em coming.)
This is one of my all time favorite videos. I can watch this over and over again and still have tears pouring down my face from laughing. I have no idea why.

Okay so I am now crying my face off in Second Cup. Brilliant idea Trish. Make yourself laugh so hard that you snort and make everyone look at you like you have leprosy. Awesome.

Oh the Police. How I've missed you. I can't wait to move in so I can set up my record player and play The Police all night long.

Here is another super cool video that I found while surfing one of my favorite blogs.
It makes me smile.

I'm going to see Watchmen tonight! Weeee!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Flavor of the Month

I think my dad thinks I'm on the prowl.


Headbands Are Not a Good Idea.

I had an early start this morning, I got up at 6AM and had a cup of java that my mother so graciously prepared for me. I am now running on about 10 hours of sleep in the past three days. I worked 45+ hours this week at the bookstore plus have a 10 page paper due at 6:30 tonight. Yikes!

So I am sitting at the HIL right now pretending to do school work. I really can't wait until I can crash into my bed tonight. I have class until 9:30, then I come home, do some reflections for another class that were due last week. Then up again tomorrow morning to read 2 chapters in my Women's studies book which I have to present on Wednesday. Then I have a seminar presentation due a week from today on the Feminist Theory on Violence, which will actually be quite interesting. Then I have a mid-term test, some more reflections, 2 term papers and 2 creative journals to do. Then I only have one exam, then I am done until May! SHIT SHIT SHIT. I have so much work to do. I am surprisingly chill though, I think it is because my brain is not functioning on reason. It is currently on auto-pilot and my fuel seems to be the over-consumption of caffeine.
So anyway. It's my Pupa's birthday today. He is one of the most influential and amazing people in my life (other than my Mother, of course) My parents are super important to me in every aspect of life. They also have a very good judgment of character. If my parents don't like you, then you are fucked basically. Don't worry though, my parents are actually pretty chill and there aren't many people they don't like.

So back to my dad. From day one, Brian treated me like a daughter. He really changed my perspective on what it means to be a family and has loved me and my sister as if we were his kids from birth. I don't even see him as a step-father really, he is more than that because in the seven years he has been married to my mother, he has shown all of us, my mom, sister and me, more love and acceptance than I could ever have imagined possible.

Now, Brain and I certainly have our fair share of disagreements, but mostly because we are EXACTLY THE SAME. (Sometimes I wonder if he was the milkman.) Anyway he has a huge family, who were all just as welcoming. I feel like they have been my family since birth.

Thanks for being there. Love you old feller and Happy Birthday.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Recipe for Disaster

So, I guess I felt left out and decided to start a blog. I kind of feel like I have sold my soul to the dark side but I'm kind of excited for it at the same time. It's a love/hate thing I suppose. Kind of like the smellphone universe. I enjoyed having one so that I could reach people when I needed to, but I hated the fact that people could reach me when they needed to. Anyway my excitement stems from the fact that I am positive that no one will read this so I can jabber on about whatever-the-fuck. Which I plan on doing, frequently and at length, because I talk (er...type?) far too much for my own good.
Anyhow, most of it will be incoherent ramblings but there will also be some poetry, some short stories, some weirdness, some embarrassment, some art, some photos, and of course, hilarious/ disgusting videos that will question my sanity.