Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bring on the Night

Today, I can finally breathe a little bit. I don't work until Thursday (which actually is kind of lame, because I have to wait until then to hear about Hartland's trip)and I don't have any classes today. I still have a bunch of school work to do, but I am just going to sit and relax for a minute and reflect. I'm sitting at Second Cup right now after taking the bus from my parents house. I had to get the heck out of there. I'm starting to go a little crazy-pants. I just paused my music and they are playing the magician theme song from Arrested Development. (Will they ever make a movie?) Today is beautiful. I broke out my favorite leather coat because it is finally warm enough for it. It makes me very excited for summer. I actually despise spring, so hopefully it is short this year. I'm not a fan of melting dog poo and that distinct smell of worms whenever it rains. The only good thing about spring, is that summer is on its way.
So I am enjoying my London Fog at Second Cup and basking in the north light of the windows. I love watching people walk by. By the way, if you ever want to win your way to my heart fast, bring me a London Fog and I am yours forever. (as long as you keep 'em coming.)
This is one of my all time favorite videos. I can watch this over and over again and still have tears pouring down my face from laughing. I have no idea why.

Okay so I am now crying my face off in Second Cup. Brilliant idea Trish. Make yourself laugh so hard that you snort and make everyone look at you like you have leprosy. Awesome.

Oh the Police. How I've missed you. I can't wait to move in so I can set up my record player and play The Police all night long.

Here is another super cool video that I found while surfing one of my favorite blogs.
It makes me smile.

I'm going to see Watchmen tonight! Weeee!

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