Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Welly, welly welly, welllllllll. It has been forever and a day since my last post. I think it was sometime in October. I have become terrible at blogging, which = terrible at life. (Just kidding, I'm awesome.) I can't think of a better day to hop back on that pogo stick of the blogging world than St. Patty's day. It is 9:48 and I am drinking the worlds best coffee from the Cedar Tree with a splash of the ol'Irish Cream. This used to be my usual morning ritual during my undergrad. I remember the frequent sniffs and looks from the 95 other students in my lecture-based courses wondering who the alcoholic was drinking at 8AM. Pfffft. Whatever, they all wished they had Bailey's in their coffee. Let's not kid ourselves here.

So here's to old habits. I raise my recyclable to-go cup with the plastic top to the leprechauns who pushed the Bailey's to the front of the other condiments and random things on the shelf in the pantry.

One old habit that I am working on kicking, is the pants of dirty ol'butts. That means ciggy's to the world outside of my own head where language is proper and makes sense. This is my 4th day without a cigarette. Hurrah!

I feel the need to use this image to represent my St. Patrick's day post.

Once my seizure surpassed (alliteration alert!), I was reminded of my sister and how we both used to love the Carebears. I also remember the episode that gave her nightmares for weeks. Does anyone remember the episode with the vampire and the "Roooom of Dooooom?" Anyway I guess she had recurring nightmares of being inside a castle without any way to escape and the floor slowly opening to the depths of her death. Imagine. Carebears nightmares.

Well suhs and m'ams, I better get groovin' to the library to actually attempt some school nonsense.

Wear some green, kick up them heels and get sloshed on this fine day. Find a four-leaf clover and find that pot-o-gold at the end of that rainbow. Until next time. I promise that won't be next year.


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