Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Looking for Strange

Some crazy guy was screaming in my building at 1AM this morning. Then he went outside and screamed some more right underneath my window. My Mom was like,"Heavens! Weren't you scared?"
I was more annoyed than anything because I had a bunch of assignments to work on this morning and needed some shut-eye. I also woke up this morning and noticed there was a huge yoga meeting happening directly across from my bedroom window and of course I was naked. It is so goddamn hot in my apartment so sleeping nude is really the only option. I basically had to lay in bed for an extra half hour while peeking over my headboard every few minutes to see if the meeting was adjourned yet. (I was trying to avoid another incident like the walking-to-my-bedroom-from-the-shower awkwardness that was experienced last week. Basically, I made some guy's day because he got a nice full-frontal view.)

Marchell came by for a coffee and a chat. Kate then came after supper for the same thing. I couldn't be more grateful for their visits because they helped me procrastinate.

To further procrastinate, I was doing a little spring cleaning and backing up some old photos and found this feller:
I almost forgot how long my hair used to be. It will be nice when it is that length again. It was so low maintenance. I barely even had to brush it. I only finger combed to avoid dreads and that was about it. Listen to me yammering on about my hair. (Geezuz, I really am a Leo.)
Anyhew, this shot was taken with a shitty point and shoot camera as a draft for a larger concept I planned on working on once I had my SLR. I never did; maybe I should pick it up again.

I felt I should share this little diddy as well:

The original book was always a favorite of mine as a kid. This is the original 1973 short animation narrated by Shel Silverstein. It always made me bawl my eyes out. I almost forgot about it until I saw it posted on another blog. I watched it this afternoon and felt those familiar crocodile tears start to flow. I'm such a sap.

I didn't forget it was Pick-up Line Tuesdays for those of you who actually read this (Iggy? ...Shane?... no? okay that's cool. Fuckers.)

Today's pick-up line:

"Are you a chicken farmer? ’Cos you can definitely raise a cock!"

Check ya!

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