Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Call me, I'll edit your photos. Srsly.

Man, I love bad Photoshop jobs. Especially for corporations that I dislike. It makes it that much sweeter. I mean, where do they find their photo editors?

Here is an example of what I am talking about.

First off, this ad is for Peta. I could go on for hours about that alone. I cannot stand Peta. I mean, I do believe in saving animals. However, constantly exploiting women to promote those values as well as creating ads that basically endorse violence against women by using images of shackled and bruised female celebrities? hmmmmmmmmm.
So anyway, back to Photoshop. Everytime I look at this image, I have to laugh. Whoever edited this needs to go back to night school and take a course on basic Photoshop. It isn't rocket science. They airbrushed her so much that she doesn't even look human. (Where are her knees?!?) They also went overboard with the weight adjustments and didn't pay attention to basic human proportion rules. Her head looks huge in comparison to the rest of her body. Like she should be a plastic figurine on my desk with a creepy smile - head bobbin' away. The angel wings are alright I guess. It is probably the only thing they did get right. This could also use some major exposure and colour adjustments. She looks like a goddamn Oompa-Loompa.
What people do not realize, is that less is more when it comes to Photoshop. Or at least making it look like less is more. A good editor will make the photograph appear like it has not been edited at all. Subtlety is definitely the way to go.

The slogan also really bothers me. I get what they are going for but do they not realize that when you adopt at a shelter, you still have to pay to adopt it? Therefore, you are buying the animal. In addition, if you don't buy the animals at the pet shop what do you think happens to them? They are either euthanized or sent to a shelter for you to adopt. So this slogan really doesn't make sense because in the end, you will always be buying the animal.

Well, there is my nerdy rant for the day.

Oh yeah, today is Pick-up Line Tuesday.

Today's Line:

"The word of the day is "legs". Let's go back to my place and spread the word."

Happy Tuesday!

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