Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sipping Java

Well, here I am. I've decided to reacquaint myself with my good friend, Procrastination. I am currently in my snuggly bathrobe (the one that I tend to get lost in) sitting at my kitchen table with a cup of joe in my hands. My eyes are sweeping the pile of unopened books and scattered mish-mash of articles and blank paper that should have some sort of academic scribble on them. Tomorrow is my seminar presentation for my Violence and Power course. I decided to do it on the dowry murder and honour killings that are taking place in the Middle East. I am applying a feminist perspective on aggression and violence to this topic. It fits quite well considering the violence, in this case, is entirely gender-related. (Basically, these wives, daughters, mothers and sisters are being killed for being women. Yup, awkward.)
On a slightly happier note, one of my favorite bands is playing in Montreal for Jazz Fest in July. I really want to go. I will hitchhike if I have to. Their music puts me into a state. Whenever I am listening to them, I am immersed into my own little fantasy world. I close my eyes an see every hue, touch, taste and smell of my desires. Okay, okay. I'm a little over-dramatic. I can't help it, I have an over-sensitive imagination. It is my nature. I can stare out of a window in silence for hours without actually looking at anything in particular. It is during these moments that I am traipsing through my worlds of french bread, cobble-stoned streets, berets, red lips,moon maidens, shameless sex in alleyways with older men out of my league... and of course peacocks.

One Hour Later.

... Sorry, what was I saying? Oh yes, I am embarrassingly over-imaginative. Which is probably why I don't mind being alone quite often. Imagination doesn't expect anything from you in return.

Really though, listen to this band with your eyes closed and indulge in your own little fantasy world. They are best when listened on an iPod (or some sort of music playing device) when taking a scenic stroll by yourself.

Actually, this video is an excellent example of the kind of things that take place in my head while staring blankly out of a window.

A bientot.

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